Some useful primary sources
Know the Source
Much of today’s information – whether sourced on the internet, in new books or through social media influencers – has been re-hashed from classic works of masters and others of great knowledge. Each act of retelling means choices (conscious or unconscious) about what to leave in or out – assuming that the original material has been fully and properly understood. Frequently the primary sources don’t even get proper acknowledgment, and worse still, some of their most important elements go missing.
It is important to document what we learn, or believe we know, but something happens the moment things are written down. Things are gained and lost at the same time.
Long before the published ‘masterworks’ – some of which are listed below – there was very old and highly advanced knowledge that was not written down, but rather dispersed among many keepers. No one person could know everything until everyone came together. The ones who guarded the old knowledge were mostly scattered or destroyed, and for a time much of what could still be remembered became distorted or diluted in flawed or incomplete retellings.
Fortunately the truth always remains, and it is being constantly revealed and re-revealed by events. There are still keepers and seekers of knowledge here and now, re-emerging as the layered artificiality falters and fails. Cosmological influences are opening the gates of information to all life, from knowledge of free energy that powered cities, to our true heritage of the etheric world.
The below is a short list. Practical and proven. There are still many truth categories once you begin to look, and still many good people today bringing forth streams of eternal knowledge.
Some of the most inspiring books are less than 27 pages long!
Nitrate: An Ailing Organism Calls for Healing
H.H Koepf
Reprint 1977
Bio-Dynamic Literature
Silent Spring
Rachel Carson
Penguin Books 1963
Bio-Dynamic Agriculture: Introductory Lectures Vol. 1
Alex Podolinsky
Dominion Press Hedges and Bell 1985 (new editions Gavemer Publishing)
Butterflies Beings of Light
From the Work of Rudolf Steiner
Rudolf Steiner Press
Weeds and What They Tell
Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer
Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association Inc. (USA)
Not in His Image
John Lamb Lash
Chelsea Green Publishing London, UK 2006
& 15th Anniversary Edition 2021 (new information)
Chelsea Publishing London, UK
About the pre-Christian mystery schools.
Biodynamics: Three Introductory Articles
1948 & 1956
Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer
Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association Inc (USA) 1970
Sub-nature and Super-nature in the Physiology of Plant and Man: The true foundations of Nutrition
Dr Ehrenfried Pfeiffer Oct 10, 1958
Mercury Press
Bio-Dynamic Agriculture: Introductory Lectures Vol. 2
Alex Podolinsky
Bio-Dynamic Agriculture Association of Australia.
Gavemer Publishing 1989
Bio-Dynamics: Agriculture of the Future
Alex Podolinsky
Published By the Bio-Dynamic Agriculture Association of Australia
Powelltown Victoria
2002 & 2005
Living Agriculture
Alex Podolinsky, 2000
Published By the Bio-Dynamic Agriculture Association of Australia
Powelltown Victoria
Bio-Dynamic Agriculture: Introductory Lectures Vol. 3
Alex Podolinsky, 1999
Published By the Bio-Dynamic Agriculture Association of Australia
Powelltown Victoria
Results from the Biodynamic Sowing and Planting Calendar
Maria Thun
Floris Books English Edition 2003
Inspiring information giving an overall picture (with proof) on planetary influences, forests, annuals, plant disease and weed imbalances, the nature of trees, et. This book can be a guide to inspire a different thinking pattern to institutionalised ones. From bush re-generators to gardeners and farmers.